S. E. Shepherd

S. E. Shepherd is a highly decorated Indian Leg Wrestling champion hailing from Denver, Colorado. Known to his foes simply as "The Incredible Bulk," Shepherd spends most of his time eating Alexander the Grape Otter Pops and offering to spot female weightlifters at the gym. Shepherd is somewhat of an enigma: he loves to camp, but he hates defecating in the woods. Growing up, his favorite G.I. Joe was Rock 'n' Roll. His collected works can be found at www.seshepherd.com.

Superman Ain't Shit So, you think Superman is cool, huh? Well guess what? Superman ain’t shit. Come on. I can see it in your eyes. You think Superman is the baby’s rattle because he has his own comic books, his own movies, and...
My Zombie Movie I’ve been working on it on and off for the last fifteen years. It will serve as an homage to every zombie movie ever made, yet it will be a completely original piece of cinema, conspicuously free of any derivative material.

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