Russell Bittner

Russell Bittner is a Brooklyn-based fetishist whose favorite pair of heels go hiking in a thing called poetry--late at night, behind locked doors, with the lights dimmed. He has been published on paper by: The American Dissident, The Blind Man's Rainbow, The Lyric, The Barbaric Yawp, The International Journal of Erotica, Wicked Hollow, and Diverse Publications, Ltd. Online, his poems can be found at: Quintessence, ken*again, Spillway Review, Erotica Readers & Writers, edifice WRECKED, and Ink Magazine. His prose is better defined, if also more severely restrained at: Satin Slippers, The Dead Mule, Girls with Insurance, and now at A flash piece will go up on Underground Voicesin November, 2004. He completed his first novel, Trompe-l'oeil, in September of 2004.

Geometry father: Whad’ja learn in school today? daughter: Nothing. father: Don’t lie to me. I know better. daughter: You don’t. You’re too old and foggy-groggy-brained. father: Goofy-gruffy-froggy-brained, you mean. daughter: Don’t get parabolic with me. father: Palaveric maverick. daughter: Be respectful...

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