Murray Brozinsky

Murray Brozinsky is a writer and entrepreneur living in San Francisco with his wife and baby daughter. He has published pieces in many literary magazines. Most recently, his essays and short fiction have appeared or are forthcoming in 3711 Atlantic, Aesthetica, Brink, Duck & Herring Pocket Field Guides, Laughter Loaf, Opium Magazine, and <em>Prose Toad. He has also written columns for Wired magazine and Business 2.0.

Devil-cum-Shoeshine Boy Tells a Customer the Genesis of His Current Occupation Is a Bad Bargain with a Savvy Businessman Shoeshine, sir? Hop up here. Nice Rockports, comfortable? Yeah, leather's a bit worn but I'll buff ’em right up.
Ordering Fast Food in the Age of the Statistically Challenged I pulled up to the drive-thru and eyeballed the menu. “Can I take your order, please?” intoned the disembodied voice. “One chicken sandwich,” I replied. “May want to rethink that order, sir.” “Why is that?” “Small chance the bird is...

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