Michael Rottman & Jeff Szpirglas

Jeff Szpirglas not only teaches children, but also writes books for them, and, according to his parents, excels at acting like them. He gets an A+ in screaming rages, but a C- in penmanship.
Michael Rottman does not teach children, but can get one for you cheap. His work has appeared in Opium.print, Grain, and The Fiddlehead, and online at Y.P.R., The Morning News, and McSweeney's.

Niche Internet Dating Websites
Jessica Alba IS Strawberry Shortcake
Toy Stories With Michael Bay’s take on the Transformers toy line almost certain to prove a summer smash, Hollywood has lined up a slew of blockbusters to cash in on the nostalgia for other bygone toys. Cultural critics Rottman and Szpirglas have screened advance copies of the latest projects coming soon to a theatre and Toys 'R' Us near you.
The Da Vinci Bandwagon Other conspiracy-laden historical epics soon to be lining bookstore shelves and spinning through theatre projectors.

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Michael Rottman is the next archive.

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