Karen Newman

Karen Newman is a freelance writer living in New York City. She has dedicated her life to predicting which name P. Diddy will use for his various projects. She correctly predicted 'Sean Combs' for A Raisin in the Sun, but missed the boat on the Sean Jean clothing line. If she can correctly identify two more matches, she will change her name to K. Diddy.

The Rubaiyat of Felix Dennis: Awful Poetry by the Maxim Publisher & Josh Abraham Double Issue If it seems like I’m behaving rashly, Well, there really is a simple reason: It’s because that Mary-Kate and Ashley Will be eighteen years before next season! In just a month I’ll say, “Good-bye, jailbait!...
K.B.N. on Engagement Rings This weekend I was at a BBQ, the kind of scene where all the guests are seated around a patio secretly wondering, “Isn’t there somewhere better I should be?” Anyway, I arrived later than most (O.K., dead last, by several...
K.B.N. on Bridesmaids As a young girl growing up, a wedding was the stuff of which dreams were made. Starting from the Once Upon a Time straight through to the Happily Ever After, it was near impossible to separate yourself from Cinderella, Snow...

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