Jonathan Shipley

Jonathan Shipley is an idiot savant in the area of animal husbandry. He is married to a woman. They have a baby named Grace who can recite the Ukrainian national anthem. ("We'll show that we, brothers, are of the Kazak nation!") He hopes to be either a novelist or the pope. (He enjoys wearing big hats.) His foray as a superhero, the Thundering Wisk, was short-lived after he was attacked viciously in a Target parking lot. In the hospital he started his blog Jonathan's Wacky World, that he updates regularly.

United States' Puppet States and Their Respective Leaders Grenada (1983-1984) -- Grover from Sesame Street. He zooms through the sky, smarter than a speeding bullet, furrier than a powerful locomotive, able to lead tall sandwiches in a single bound! Is it an eggplant? A meatball? No! It’s...
Dear ABBA The Swedish quartet answer readers' questions in their weekly syndicated advice column.
The Stanton Family Christmas Newsletter The kids are doing OKAY. Jimmy has a restraining order against him by his third wife, Melly.

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