Jon Armstrong

Jon Armstrong is one half of the famous LoungeBots duo with his dad. Years ago, he played left forward on Gandhi's short-lived hockey team before he got into the whole "non-violence thing." Currently, he is finishing a novel about friendship, love and envy, which includes several scenes with Legos. You can see photos of the pies he has baked at his Web site,

1220 AM WLIT: All Lit All the Time Welcome to Charles and The Verb, every weekday from four to seven on 1220 AM, WLIT — All Literature All the Time. [Sparkling music plays.] —Greetings everyone. I am Charles Creighton and my partner is Mathew "The Verb" Vroman. How...
An Excerpt from Flu Shot Review Quarterly's Winter 2004 Issue As you all know, the 2004 flu season is one of the most highly anticipated in recent years. I recently spent an afternoon with my doctor, a dozen of his sharpest needles, and tried all the latest vaccines. Let's start...

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