Jocelyn Jane Cox

Oft-Overlooked Winter Olympic Sports Bobsledding, skating, and skiing are all great, but don’t these other winter sports deserve just as much coverage?
Aspects of Myself I am Not Going to Change in This Age of Excessive Plastic Surgery My breasts: Because I have already had them enlarged. Six times.
Downturn Trends in Decorative Throw Pillows Cleats: Perfect for the spacious rec room that seemed like such a good idea before the housing crisis.
The Warning Label I Recently Neglected to Read Trim wick to ¼ of an inch even if finding your scissors will require you to open that scary junk drawer next to the sink. Do not place on a crowded bookcase with unread books, unsent postcards, and year-old mail...

Daniel Byard Cox is the previous archive.

Micah Cratty is the next archive.

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