Jeff Barnosky

During his first year of school, Jeff Barnosky believed that each of his teachers was Bea Arthur in disguise. Especially Mr. Roberts. He lives in Philadelphia, he dies in Cleveland and he questions the true nature of all existence in Toronto. He's been published in McSweeney's, Pindeldyboz, Exquisite Corpse, and the late, much missed Haypenny.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Book Club: Catcher In the Rye "This book was O.K. and everything but I’m kind of pissed off about something I read on the second page."
Chinese Demockery! The Norman Rockwell–Axl Rose Correspondence Use Your Illustration Parts I & II
The Norman Rockwell–Axl Rose Correspondence Use Your Illustration, Parts I & II
If Checkpoint Were Based on Conversations I’ve Had with My Grandparents grandfather: You don’t like ham. me: That’s not true. I like ham. grandfather: Well, what am I going to do with all this ham I bought if you don’t like ham? Why are you so picky anyway? I bet you...
What Would Sammy Do? or How I Became a Kabbalist As far back as I can remember I’ve wanted to be Jewish. Walking home from Catholic school, trying to memorize the Hail Mary, I’d pass by the cabstand where all of the kids from...
My Date with Harold Bloom He was a perfect gentleman. I won’t pretend that I was anything more than a naïve, semi-talented literary canon maker who had come to the esteemed professor and critic for some professional guidance. We met at Blasambe, the hip uptown...

Patrick Barb & Julia McCloy is the previous archive.

Scott Barres is the next archive.

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