James Yeh
James Yeh is 23 years old and, for the most part, unpublished. His contributor's notes are just like anything else done for the first time: brief, a little bit awkward, and then followed by apologies. Sorry. Also, James is a shameless self-promoter of his blog, "Because I Was the only Chinese-American at Clemson University Majoring in English." After a recent move to the West Coast, he is considering re-titling it "Because I Am the Only Chinese-American Born and Raised in South Carolina Currently Living in San Francisco."
What I Could Have Done to that Jerk Who Asked Me "Hey You Know Karate?" Had I Actually Known Karate
Walked over to him and listed some of the other possible questions that he could have asked using common Asian stereotypes as a template:"Hey you eat dog?""Hey you know math?""Hey you make my car?" Directed obscene gestures toward him while...