Jaime J. Weinman

Jaime J. Weinman has too much education and not enough food. His writing on pop-culture arcana has appeared in Salon and in his inevitable blog, Something Old, Nothing New. Agents scream and run when they see Jaime approaching them, but he knows it's just their way of showing they care. Jaime's writing process consists of closing his eyes, praying to Gaia, and letting the jokes flow through his fingers onto the keyboard. But the keyboard d isn't plugged in. Gaia screwed him over again.

How To
A Style Guide for Blog Parodists As op-ed columnists have recently announced, something called a “blog” (short for “Web log”) has become very popular on something called the “Internet.” As savvy parodists with an eye for hilarious new trends, you are undoubtedly putting aside your unfinished...
Hamlet by P. G. Wodehouse “A Mr. Hamlet to see you, sir,” said Jeeves, having floated into the room as noiselessly as a fakir popping up in the middle of some sort of ritual pillow fight in the Far East. Hammy’s an old University...

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