J. M. Houk

J. M. Houk resides in New Hampshire with her human and four-legged family. When not raking leaves, she's shoveling snow or swatting mosquitoes. She spends her spare time trying to figure out how to perform rhinoplasty on the Old Man in the Mountain so that he doesn't have to suffer any longer from the Michael Jackson absent-nose syndrome.

"Now It Can Be Sold" by Drinkmore Stout Dear Sir, pathetic sir, lonely sir, You are an experiment by the Creator of Apple. You are the only person left in the World who is literate and has the ability to communicate beyond grunting. You are the only one...
Amendments to the New Iraqi Constitution The Iraqi Bill of Rights First Amendment--Freedom of Speech, Press, and Peaceable Assembly All Iraqis (except women, Sunnis, and Kurds), shall have the right of unabridged speech and press, and the right to assemble peaceably, so long as they keep...
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Meet Prince and the Half-Baked Potter H.P.: Hi, there. I’m Harry Potter and this is my friend, Prince Harry. His mother was Princess Di. He doesn’t really look much like Prince Charles, which has led to some discussion about whether he is actually Prince Charles’ son....

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