Interviews with Interviewers Archives

Suzanne Yeagley, McSweeney's In Search of Pigeon Racers:An Interview withSuzanne Yeagley, Interviewer of People Who Have Interesting or Unusual JobsPotato-chip assembly liners are allowed to eat the chips that are too closely clumped together. Pool lifeguards are likely to do whip-its in the...
Daniel Robert Epstein, Suicide Girls It's easy to completely overlook the work of Daniel Robert Epstein; after all, his words are surrounded by lots of naked flesh. Pierced, dyed, shaved, and tattooed naked flesh. SuicideGirls, the online ’zine, is probably what Hef would've dreamed up...
James Lipton (Almost), "Inside the Actors' Studio" [Emphasis is ours.] Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 12:27:40 -0400 From: "James Lipton" To: "Geoff Wolinetz" Subject: Re: "Interviews with Interviewers" Mr. Lipton has asked me to write on his behalf. He regrets he cannot participate in...
Robert Birnbaum, Identity Theory Robert Birnbaum’s résumé looks something like this: nightclub manager, short-order cook, shoe salesman, medical secretary, teacher, adman, cabbie, journalist, publisher, photographer, blogger, interviewer. Mr. Birnbaum’s digital home is Identity Theory (a literary Web site, sort of), which hosts his...
Andrew Krucoff, Gothamist Andrew Krucoff is something like the Best Supporting Actor (Musical or Comedy) for the two New Yorkiest Web sites out there: at Gawker he sifts through the city's stats and facts and processes the raw data into shiny, colorful, easy-to-read...
A. J. Daulerio, The Black Table Sample question by Mr. Daulerio: “Would you rather have rodeo sex with Jayson Blair or beat up Arthur Sulzberger's mother?” [Posed to journalist Seth Mnookin.]
Claire Zulkey, If you frequent any Web sites with words in them, there’s an 85% chance you’ve read the fiction or journalism of Claire Zulkey (and laughed, too). If you’ve visited her Web site, (the only site which employs a kangaroo...
Interviews w/ Interviewers

The Hunter Becomes the Hunted

Yankee Pot Roast presents Interviews with Interviewers, wherein we’ll be interviewing interviewers on the art of interviewing interviewees. If you think that sounded stupid, be grateful we’re not Prince, or you’d have read “NtervU” six times in the preceding sentence.

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