Interviews Archives

Who Is ScriptGirl? Kim Townsel interviews ScriptGirl--the mysterious producer's assistant who reports a weekly wrapup of script sales via viral video.
Hal Sparks, funny person Who do you encounter more often, fans who think you're really queer as folk or fans who think you really love the 80s?
David Rees, clip-artist What's it like to be a cartoonist who cannot draw?
Jonathan Ames, Randy Writer What did your mom say the first time she read your tales of ribaldry?
Daniel Robert Epstein, Suicide Girls It's easy to completely overlook the work of Daniel Robert Epstein; after all, his words are surrounded by lots of naked flesh. Pierced, dyed, shaved, and tattooed naked flesh. SuicideGirls, the online ’zine, is probably what Hef would've dreamed up...

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