Greg White

Greg White is a writer of sorts. He also contributes monologue quips for The Late Show with David Letterman. He plays far too much golf, a habit which gets in the way of his screenwriting and reading of comic books. He would love to watch this "Late Show," but his parents won't allow him to support Chinese television. Unfortunately for Greg, his parents don't make the rules, they they just enforce them with a pet bear.

Deleted Tales from Heinrich Hoffman's 1845 Der Struwwelpeter Little Debbie loves to drink milk. One day while drinking milk, she spills on the floor. Her father scolds her while changing into a milkman costume. He mumbles something about going out for a pack of cigarettes before stepping out. Moments later, the Nasty Mean Dairyman dashes into the house and pokes Little Debbie's eyes out with his branding iron. Debbie spends her final days in darkness before succumbing to an ocular infection ...

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