Features Archives

Europa Europa! What a Rick Steves Travel Guide to Venice Would Look Like if Rick Steves Were Severely Agoraphobic / I’ve Decided to Start Acting More French / I Think I Need to Dispell Some Misconceptions about My Six-Foot-Tall Swedish Ladyfriend Who Happens to Be a Licensed Massage Therapist / European Hip-Hoppers / Temping in Vatican City / The Catcher in the Rye: The Unauthorized German Translation / Eurotrash / Part of Your Complete International Breakfast
A Pantheon of Greek-Myth Mirth Enslaved by the Bell: Greek Titans and Gods in High School / Sisyphus Dabbles in Haiku / Dionysus, Applebee's Server / Alfred Tennyson's "Release the Kraken!"
Infinite Playlist Some musical listicles, so that you may rock on with your bad self.
Notorious!: Celebrity Listicles Chuck Norris Facts; Carlos Mencia Thievery; David Coverdale's John Hancock
Las Listas Internacionales European Hip-Hoppers; Zionist Plots; Spanish Words
Book Club
Vonnegut's Asshole
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s Canon The Y.P.R. Book Club reads and absorbs the work of K.V. Jr.
Book Club
J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince In which Y.P.R. milks more mirth from muggles and mudbloods.
Book Club
Sam Lipsyte's Home Land In which Y.P.R. solicits your alumni updates, yearbook scribblings, and notes passed to high-school crushes.
Book Club
Kitty Kelley's The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty In which Y.P.R. throws (Heinz brand) tomatoes at Ms. Kelley's tell-all biography about our nation's first family.
The Y.P.OscaRs In which Y.P.R. presents some overlooked awards.
whatfore (dot org) In which Y.P.R. lovingly parodies our dear friend whatevs. Huzzah!
Sentiments Anti-Français Not French!In which Y.P.R. resorts to the milking of outdated, hackneyed stereotypes to exploit America's love/hate relationship with France.
Timothy McSweeney's Pretentious Horseshit In which Y.P.R. lovingly satirizes our friend McSweeney's.
Smuggled Goods In which Y.P.R. smuggles its fine product into hapless, unsuspecting venues....
Dear New York Times Book Review In which the novelist manqué J. Abraham mounts an epistolary quest for review.
Features3-D Specs

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