Doug Dean

Douglas Robert Dean is an aspiring amateur phrenologist and disc golfer in Portland, Oregon. Currently, he is in the blueprint stage of turning his living room into a dojo. His short fiction can be found at Dean's Den.

Fashion Preview: Four Styles You Should Expect to See Hipsters Wearing This Fall Maintaining inverse symmetry with the neoconservatives, your politically and fashion-savvy hipster will be donning a galabiyya this fall.
Excerpt from George Romero’s New Book of Daily Affirmations You’re the world’s most overworked nurse and your morning is spent watching your family fall prey to the rampant Zombie Sickness. Your undead husband almost rips your throat out in the bathroom.
Modern-Day Explorers Hanging from the Golden Gate Bridge by the marble hook handle of my umbrella, I look dead in the eyes of the man who would steal credit for my life's work. I hear a squawking seagull and I watch his...
Unspoken Word Performance So I'm down at the local public house enjoying a pint after a hard day's work. It's deserved. It's dessert. I ogle, I toggle, and eventually settle my eyes on these guys that are setting up a microphone on the...

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