David Ng

David Ng is a biochemist and the Director of the Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory (AMBL) at The University of British Columbia. He has only used his 'Dr' moniker on his Safeway club card, but regrettably the cashiers there never call him Doctor anyway. His writing has appeared in Maisonneuve, Biochemical Journal, McSweeney's, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, as well as his own literary science writing site, The Science Creative Quarterly. Disturbingly, he has both the means and the expertise to clone himself, but (thankfully) promises he won't.

Cartoon Episodes about Science Peanuts episode: “That's Biotechnology, Charlie Brown!”
Charlie Brown loses yet another kite within the branches of his nemesis, the kite-eating tree. However, Linus cleverly observes that this action is not unlike the concept of phytoremediation ...
Angry Words from a Gnome Who to This Day Continues to Think the Human Genome Project Was Actually The Human Gnome Project It's hard to believe that 17 years ago the Human Gnome Project formally began. It was quite frankly a great day for all of us gnomes as we thought we had finally gained the attention and respect we deserved as...
A Scientific Proposal to the Executive Program Directors of the ABC, CBS, Fox, and NBC Networks I know an omen when I see one, and it needn't even involve a two-headed goat.
Letter of Rejection to Dr. Phil Dear Dr. Phil, Thank you for submitting your application for the director’s position at the National Institutes of Health. As the N.I.H. is the principal force guiding America’s efforts in medical research, we have strived to consider every candidate’s application...

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