David Abraham

David Abraham is an ordained reverend of the Universal Life Church who enjoys the simplicity of trampolines and Popsicles. His film career was stifled by embarrassment when, after many deafening takes, he instinctively covered his ears before Eva Marie Saint fired a gun at Cary Grant in North by Northwest. (Zombie Hitchcock still holds a grudge.) His inventions include the pet rock, neon, upside-down ketchup, and How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way. Despite some misfires (Pogs, the WB), he oozes brilliance; with so many ideas stirring, his head frequently swells as big as a medium-sized watermelon (only once taking on a similar texture). David can reach true Zen by closing his right eye, bringing his left index finger to his temple, and focusing on Stan Bush's inspirational song "The Touch" from Transformers: the Movie. He also once shared a bus ride with the smartest man in Boston.

Dear Regal Cinemas Michael L. Campbell Co-C.E.O., Regal Entertainment Group 7132 Regal Lane Knoxville, Tennessee, 37918 January 22, 2004 Dear Mr. Campbell, While we may have had our scuffles in the past, this time you have gone too far with your latest...
“Rectum? I Damn Near Killed ’Em!” Chapter Titles from Living with Your Colitis and Hemorrhoids (and Related Disorders) by Theodore Berkland, A.M., Leslie Sandlow, M.D., and Richard Shaprio, M.D. © 1975, St. Martin's Press [Discovered for Sale at a Thrift Shop in St. Louis, Missouri,...

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