Daniel Nester

Daniel Nester lives in Brooklyn. He is the author of God Save My Queen: A Tribute and God Save My Queen II: The Show Must Go On, books on his obsession with the greatest rock band of all time, Queen. Other writing, mostly poems, appear in places like Verse, jubilat, Slope, LIT, Taint, Pindeldyboz, and Best American Poetry 2003. He edits the online journal Unpleasant Event Schedule and is assistant Web editor for sestinas at McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. He's currently trying to ween himself off of commenting on the stupid things poets say on his blog.

A.I. Wanna Rock and Roll All Nite What follows is a transcript of a conversation between Gene Simmons, the bassist for the rock band KISS, and Terry Gross, host of NPR’s "Fresh Air," originally broadcast on February 4th, 2002, with Mr. Simmons’s responses replaced by those of...

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