Dan Davis

Dan Davis edits scripts in Boston, and has written humor and fiction pieces for several magazines. Here are some of them: McSweeney's, Monkey Knife Fight!, and Lollipop.

Least Popular Facebook Quizzes Which Teenage Vampire Would You Support for U.S. Senator? (My result: Bella from Twilight)
Victory Speech by the Leader of the Moderate, Pro-Choice, Anti-War, Environmentalist Undecided Voters of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, for Bush Good evening, fellow members of the M.P.C.A.W.E.U.V.O.C.C.O.F.B. Well, we did it! [Cheers and applause.] This is truly a great day for us, and for all America. The candidate we settled on at the very last minute has emerged victorious, and...
Bush Mountain At the first gesture of morning, the servants began stirring. So came George to one more day in Alabama. Sitting up in his bed, he picked up the letter from Laura, and read it one more time: My love, where...

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