Letter from the Editors Archives

Fall Vacation Back soon ... for reals!
Kapitoil & Trouble Erstwhile Y.P.R. contributor Teddy Wayne publishes a book. A book!
Befriend Y.P.R. That's right, folks: your humble literary journal has canceled its MySpace, Friendster, and AOL chatroom accounts.
See Y'all in MMX Y.P.R. will return in 2010.
R.I.P., William Safire Remembering the conservative wordsmith.
A Note to Our Dear Readers As you may have noticed, 2009 has found your humble journal moving at a snail's pace ...
Beatrice "Bea" Arthur, R.I.P. May 13, 1922 - April 25, 2009
Oh, Yes. We Can. Hail to the Chief.
Your President-Elect This Thing Does Indeed Look Like That Thing. ("On Weeeed"?)
What the Hey? For the duration of Aught Eight, the Y.P.R. machine will be steered by the very capable (?) hands of Mr. Jimmy Chen and Mr. Fortunato Salazar
Live (Sort of) Coverage (Well, Jokes) of the Presidential Town-Hall Debate Y.P.R.'s experiment in "live-blogging" the "town-hall" "presidential" "debate."
Dog Poll Results, 2008 Sit, Zogby, sit. Good dog.
Sex and the City: Miami The hags are back, on the big screen!
This Thing Looks Like That Thing, and Also, This Other Thing Also Looks Like That Other Thing from the Same Thing Can you tell which cheeky Chanel ad was designed by Chip Kidd, the legendary book-coverer and noted cheese monkey, and which was done by freelance commenter José?
The Giants Win the Pennant! The Giants Win the Pennant! Wear your pride on your chest with Yankee Pot Roast's commemorative Super Bowl XLII T-shirt.
Mailer Meets Maker Mr. Norman Kingsley Mailer, the legendary writer and pugilist, now punching God in the face.
How to Be Productive During a Writers' Strike Hey, striking screenwriters: Why not turn off Final Draft and flip open Microsoft Word for NaNoWriMo?
Gobble, Gobble We hope that you all have wonderful holidays and we know that they will be made more wonderful by the attached recipe for Pumpkin Pie.
Coming Soon(-ish) Mr. Josh Abraham, your humble coëditor, had been mostly absent from this site for much of the past year, busy making a moving picture (or "talkie" as the kids are calling them these days)...
Will Pimp for Props Got a band, a Web site, a book, a store, a clothing line, or anything else to promote? We need to dress dozens of N.Y.C. apartments for our film, American Standard, and would be happy to feature whatever props you...
Three Concerns about This Caption 11 million (and one) Americans can't read this story.
The Complete Radar Collected in two handsome, leather-bound volumes, with raised spine, gilt edges, and over 2,300 illustrations, The Complete Radar is yours for only $289.00.
May We Use Your Loo? Your humble coëditor, Josh Abraham, will be directing an independent feature film. It's called American Standard, and will star these extraoridnarily talented, funny, beautiful people. But we need places in which to put them! In The Can Production is seeking...
Transmogrify This "New Orleans is not fast or energetic or efficient, not a go-get-'em Calvinist well-ordered city."
"There will be pictures of bodies falling from the twin towers, beheaded kidnapping victims in Iraq and corpses still floating in the waterways of New Orleans five days after the disaster that caused them. It's already clear this will be known as the grueling decade, the Hobbesian decade."
Attn: N.Y.C.-Area Actors There's a casting call for an independent film seeking your dramatic talents and pretty faces. Plus: the chance to be directed by your humble Y.P.R. coëditor, Josh Abraham.
Who Wants to Watch Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? As many of you know by now, Geoff Wolinetz, your humble coëditor, taped an episode of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? in December of last year. The show is no longer hosted by Regis.
J.S.F., Loud & Close This month (um, circa) the Y.P.R. Book Club solicited your clever tricks satirizing or inspired by Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, whether you’ve read the book or not. Extremely Long and Incredibly Bad Writer’s Blockby Angela Genusa...
The New York Post-Times All the news that's pit to frint.
Dowd, Untouchable Mutant If she seems cold and standoffish, it's because her slightest touch will siphon your energy and consciousness.
E-mail: liberties@nytimes.com "I try to think of myself as Emma Peel in a black leather catsuit ..."
Arrrrrtwork Behold "Three Jokes about Pirates," a short piece of humor writing, and a digital painting, and a short film, sort of, via arrrrt.com's artPad, by Dennis DiClaudio.
R.I.P., H.S.T. The gonzo is gone-zo.
Y.P.R. 3.0 Folks, Welcome. As you can see, we've finally caught up with late-20th Century technology. Our upgrade is still underway, and you'll notice most of our archive links go nowhere. Please be patient with us as we rejigger our gears over...
Letter from the Editors
The Editors' Desk



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