Caroline Kepnes

Caroline Kepnes gets weirded out when she has to write bios. She prefers writing short stories, romantic-comedy treatments, articles about celebrities, TV-show ideas. Hell she'd even rather write checks. She grew up on Cape Cod, started out in New York and lives now in Los Angeles. Her short stories are in the archives of The Barcelona Review, Eclectica, Eyeshot, Hobart, Thieves Jargon and Word Riot. There's a long creepy story in Duck & Herring's Pocket Field Guide too. You can reach her at But if you're a Yankees fan, watch out.

The Worst Harvard Alumna Transcript of January 15, 1984 Telephone Conversation Glenda: Hello. Voice: Glenda Cleaver? Glenda: This is she. Voice: I am calling on behalf of the Harvard University student-loan program. You are six months behind on your payments. (Michael Jackson's "Thriller" swells.)...

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