Brian Champlin

Brian Champlin has been told many times by barbers that his hair is abnormally thick. He has also been told many times by his parents that he's not vocal enough. So basically he's a quiet kid with a lot of hair. If you're in Boston he might serve you a plate of dead fish. That is, if he's not out snowboarding or sitting alone on his bedroom floor, tapping steadily on his laptop.

Life Lessons from My History Textbook: Chapter Three, Ancient China Taken directly, copyrights-be-damned, from Chapter 3 of World History Vol. One: To 1800, 3rd edition, Duiker and Spielvogel.
Reasons Why the Female Characters in Certain Male-Written Fiction Are Not Like Actual Women at All The Logical Reason We’re sorry, but trying to portray the thoughts, feelings, and motives of irrational people is actually impossible. Please, think clearly before you react. Irrationality precludes meaning, does it not? And meaning is what fiction is all about,...
Niles from Frasier Takes Acid on an Overnight Spelunking Trip with Deebo from Friday and Reënacts Plato’s The Cave Spelunking with Niles & DeeboMy friend, we are in a cave. A very deep and profound darkness is all we can see.
Sounds good, bitch. I’ll bring the ladies.

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Rick Chandler is the next archive.

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