Photomontage Archives

Portraits of Glee A collection of portraits accompanying past articles.
Selections from The Golden Girls Exhibit, Part I: The Old Masters Selected masterworks from The Golden Girls Exhibit, arriving at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art this September. The Mona Beasa
Other Children's Shows on Hamas TV This week, the Associated Press reported that the character Farfour, a Mickey Mouse knockoff who preached anti-Western indoctrination on Tomorrow’s Pioneers, a Hamas-affiliated children’s television program, was beaten to death in the final episode by an actor playing an Israeli soldier trying to buy Farfour’s land. Here's a look at some other misappropriated American children's shows that have been transformed into juvenile propaganda.
Celebrate Your Independence, Take Care of Your Digits The founding fathers of Y.P.R. would like to take this moment to celebrate long weekends with no day jobs, literary tomfoolery, and the last call for submissions for Y.P.R. Print! Bring us your tired, your dirty, your utterly hilarious....
Cold Turkey
Happy Thanksgiving, folks.
Nick's Guff
R.I.P., Nipsey Russell

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