Anthony Jaffe

Anthony Jaffe is is a writer in Atlanta.

Sexual Frustrations in Your Town --Twenty-nine years old, and Michael was still woefully inexperienced in the ways of love, having never caressed a woman's fully functioning pancreas ...
Just Trying to Be the Best Me I Can Possibly Be: Talking Points 1. Whatever I do and whenever I do it, I do the very best I can--even if I have no idea what I’m doing. For instance, I now realize a television cannot be fixed with a simple application of margarine...
Timeless Stories of Love for Valentine's Day “Buy her some snazzy jewelry,” a friend recommended. “Tattoo her name on your arm.” But after fourteen cans of beer at the local tavern, Jack had a much better idea: He would have an image of his wife’s beautiful face scrimshawed on his leg bone ...
How To
AAA Gas-Saving Tips: Updated for the Coming Oil Apocalypse If a master plan is quickly adopted on a global scale, the world can safely cope with a peak in oil production and create a more sustainable and enjoyable economy at the same time. If we ignore these changes and...
Excerpts from What Lessons Can We Learn from Little Johnny, Neighborhood Scamp?--Health & Citizenship Development Series (Educational Resources Ltd.) One morning on his way to school, Johnny stopped by the creek and caught a big, fat frog, which he hid in his knapsack. Later that day, he slipped the frog into Mrs. Smith’s purse while she was writing equations...

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