Andrew Golden

Andrew Golden was well on his graduate-school way to making no money as a history professor before stopping dead in his tracks to make no money in PBS historical documentaries. He has been spotted on McSweeney's and the bottom of his dresser drawers (link disabled).

The Wartime Adventures of Benedetto "Little" Parisi It was 1943, and the tide was finally starting to turn. A small American vessel glided stealthily through the waters off the coast of the small Italian town of Passo Oscuro, seeking out a remote spot to make landfall ...
Fan Fiction Web Site Forum Tackles Eraserhead Hey, guys! This is my fanfic version of my all-time favorite film, Eraserhead. The premise is: what if Mary gave birth to a regular baby? You know, like a human one. Please read & review, this is my first post! Thanx!
A Princeton Review Correspondent Overhears Some Tense Moments in Town/Gown Relations A group of college students walk down the street, accidentally bumping into a group of locals. Local: Hey, watch it! Ben Q., sophomore: (Muttering.) Once off the campus, this non-centralized community lacks adequate public transportation. Local #2: Oh yeah? The...

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Jeremy Gorman is the next archive.

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