Amy Stender

Amy Stender lives in the woods, feeding off indigenous roots and berries. Last winter, she got wicked crazy-hungry and took down a 4-point buck with nothing more than dental floss and a pen knife. She runs around in a T-shirt emblazoned “ILOVERMONT” and likes to yell “Funkified!” at strangers. Her favorite reading selections are usually penned by Neil Gaiman, Charles Bukowski, and Hubert Selby Jr. The first graphic novels she read were Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind (Volumes 1-4) by Hayao Miyazaki and she hasn’t stopped since. She wants Henry Rollins to know she thinks he’s a hot animal machine and she wishes he would return her phone calls. You can read her work at McSwys and on her blog, Fluid Motion.

I Hate I Love the 90s Riding the popular coattails of VH1’s other I Love the-- shows, there’s a new decade in town: I Love the 90s. Personally, I do love the 90s but it’s too soon to be doing a show about it, don’t you...
Vermont Girl
Weathersfield In Which Amy Learns the Science of Sugarmaking
Edible Television One Viewer Takes a Bite out of the Food Network “30 Minute Meals” with Rachael Ray For a long time, watching Rachael Ray cook delicious and healthy meals in under thirty minutes made me sad. She'd things like, “My niece...
Vermont Girl
Fairlee In Which Amy Nearly Freezes Her Ass Off
Gimme a Half-Caff Soy Triple Latté (No Foam) and the Unagi/Torigai Special: In Defense of the Green Mountain State Have you heard about a new political ad running in Iowa? In the ad, an old man (supposedly a “farmer” but I think he’s a “paid actor”) says, “Howard Dean should take his tax-hiking, government-expanding, latté-drinking, sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New York...
Things I Say to Various Loved Ones, Coworkers, and Strangers When My Aunt Flo Visits Can you just shut up? Just shut up. Get the hell out of my way. The fuck you care? The fuck you staring at? Fuck you. Go hungry for all I care. O.K.? I’m not hungry, ergo, I’m not fucking...
Dear Neal Pollack Dear Neal, I haven’t read any of your books, but I did enjoy reading your blog. I guess this whole “putting an end to the online journal” is just a way to get people to buy up your books. After...
Vermont Girl
Swanton In Which Amy Interviews and Rides with the U.S. Border Patrol
Vermont Girl
Woodstock In Which Amy Visits a Working Dairy Farm and Tries to Find a Neck
Vermont Girl
Stowe In Which Amy Gets Wasted and Decides to Go Rock Climbing
Vermont Girl
Putney In Which Amy Samples Some of the State's Finer Cuisine

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